Our City Hall was designed by local architect, Samuel Hannaford, who also designed our Music Hall, in a very popular style, Romanesque, as interpreted by H. H. Richardson, using massive stones, rounded arches and a tower.
Today, it's numerous stain glass windows, depicting events in our city's history, attract the most attention. In addition to the windows, the building has decorative ironwork and carved stone, as well as two ceiling paintings.
It has been ages since it has rained. Although I do not like hot weather, this summer is bearable. Periods of heat alternate with what the weather people call "cold fronts" which usually bring rain and relief from the heat, at least for a day or two. A little redbud, the seedling found last year in a friend's yard. I was told that it would probably not transplant and would die.
Once a month through the summer and early fall, our neighborhood community council sponsors a picnic for the residents as a way to help them get to know each other. The council supplies the hot dogs, brats, mets, hamburger and the fixings and drinks. The residents supplement with salads, desserts and other homemade dishes.
I discovered these in a friend's garden. I had not realized that there would be such a pretty dried "bloom" after the opulent fragrant blooms had withered. A lovely surprise.
I made these lovely loaves from a starter given to me by a neighbor, the recipe supposedly know only by the Amish. The bread was delicious but the starter needs to be fed, divided and used every 10-days. I don't think I will be baking that often. But, before I let the starter go, I searched the internet and found the identical recipe for the bread and the starter recipe. So much for secrets.
My original intention was to take a photo a day for a year but a long winter cold and traveling changed the plan. I continue to take photographs, but not necessarily every day.
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