For over a year, driving to and from work, I have been passing this stand, located on an old gas station lot turned auto repair shop (behind the stand). Sometime last year, I broke down at the intersection where it is located and while waiting for a tow truck to haul me and my car to my mechanic's shop, the owner of the auto repair shop gave me a menu. He said the fellows who ran the stand were his friends.
Even though I decided to buy my dinner there sometime, I continued to drive right by on my way home, usually lost in thought, but tonight, the brighter than normal lights snapped me out of my reverie. The sign said "Barbecue Ribs," so ribs it was, along with some cooked cabbage, pinto beans and cornbread, enough for two meals, dinner and lunch tomorrow.

A twofer day. I have always loved Christmas cacti and two Thanksgivings ago I was given one. These are it's first blooms, two to be exact. The other is drooping out to the left. You'll have to imagine it.