I love books and have been collecting them for as long as I can remember. I rarely buy fiction anymore because I don't usually reread this type of book. Instead, I borrow from my local library. The books I buy are primarily reference books and art books, books I will use over and over. I have a nice collection of craft books as that is my primary interest and smaller collections of gardening, photography, home repair and remodeling, cooking, and computer books. My art books are primarily fine craft, folk, ethnic, and outsider art books. Several years ago, I started collecting children's books and pop-up and moveable books when I came across some inexpensive ones at my local thrift shops.
I collect other things as well. On the bottom shelf you can see some of my mini collection of Beanie Babies. This little collection, most of which were found in thrift shops, represents pets that I have rescued. I am missing one kitten, an all gray one, to stand in for my latest rescue.
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